If you’re thinking of installing a home security system, you might have a few questions. For example, you may be wondering what kind of home alarm sensors will be installed, what the functions of alarm security sensors are, and why it’s important to have a home security system in the first place.
At EPS Security, we have you and your loved ones covered with security & life safety devices, and award-winning 24/7 professional alarm monitoring. We can start by breaking down each part of our popular ProSeries home security system.
The all-in-one touchscreen control panel & keypad:
Here at EPS Security, we like to refer to the control panel as the “brains” of the unit. The touchscreen is where you will find all of your security settings. While older security systems have separate units for the control panel and the keypad, the new ProSeries is an all-in-one controller for your home security system. Here you can arm, disarm, manage setting, view cameras, and access many other home security functions.
Life safety sensors:
Water leak sensor (often called “waterbugs”)
Whether it is a cottage, rental property, or your home while you are away; don’t leave your valuables and the chance for a large bill, due to water damage, up to chance. Stay proactive and place these in your home under pipes and in the basement to catch potential leaks.
- According to the Insurance Information Institute (III): “Data collected from 2016 to 2020 showed one in every 60 insured homes filed a property damage claim due to water damage or freezing each year. The average claim severity was $11,650.”
Flooding from burst pipes or leaky sinks can be catastrophic. Earlier detection with ProSeries water sensors stands to save you untold sums in water-related repairs. These come highly recommended to Michigan snowbirds or those who travel often. During the cold months in Michigan when burst pipes are more common, water sensors are a valuable addition to your security system.
Smoke and carbon monoxide detector:
Combination smoke and CO detectors will notify your family with a voice alarm and a situation-specific colored strobe. When this alarm goes off, every smoke alarm unit in the home will go off as well, ensuring a house-wide alert for all family members.
Not only is it important to have monitored smoke detectors, but the combination of smoke AND CO detection provides additional life safety value for homeowners. The EPS Security Monitoring Center is ready to notify you immediately if they detect smoke, fire, or carbon monoxide.
Heat detector
Smoke detectors aren’t always the best choice in dusty areas such as attics or workshops, so heat detectors protect your home by registering rising temperatures. These devices can also be a functional choice for kitchen areas if you’re worried about a false alarm from high-heat cooking.
Security sensors:
Door/window contact
Burglars are mostly likely to try a door or window on the first floor of a home. These slim magnetic sensors protect the perimeter of your home, triggering if a door or window is open when the system is armed. These sensors are a simple and effective solution to add to your security system. ProSeries door and window sensors are battery operated and only need to be changed every 2-4 years.
Motion detector
It’s all in the name. Motion detectors are triggered by movement and can be placed discreetly and unobtrusively. For those with pets, don’t fret— ProSeries motion sensors come with pet sensitivity technology built-in.
Glass break sensor
A burglar might not be so kind as to gently open a window to break in. Glass break sensors detect the acoustics of breaking glass to add extra perimeter protection to your home security solution. If you don’t want to install window sensors on each individual window in a room, a single glass break sensor can be installed to detect this type of intrusion for all windows within its range.
Home security at your fingertips
Regardless of the devices protecting your home, it’s always beneficial to have a pulse on your home security. With the Total Connect app, you gain 24/7 access your alarm system from the palm of your hand. With a computer, cell phone or tablet device, signing into your security system is as easy as checking in on social media. It’s just a click away.
Effective home security starts with finding the best alarm devices to fit your needs. EPS Security professionals can help guide you through this process with a no pressure home security survey. When EPS Security secures your home, you can trust in our professional installation and monitoring from Michigan’s security experts.