A Unique Opportunity at EPS Security!
After hearing the story of Brittany Miller and her son Grandy out of Muskegon, —click here for the article— EPS Security’s Service Supervisor, Andy Hulings, wanted to show some love. Our team reached out to Miller and asked if Grandy would like to come in to our Grand Rapids HQ for a friendly tour of our facilities.
None of us at EPS could have foreseen how incredibly happy Grandy became once he was given the chance to interact with the alarm technology. He never wanted to leave!
UPDATE March 7, 2017
Honeywell, one of the world’s largest fire alarm manufactures, heard about Grandy’s story and decided to throw him a birthday party he’ll likely never forget! Grandy and his mother Brittany Miller were flown out to Connecticut to Honeywell’s manufacturing facilities. Check out the article: Muskegon boy with autism gets party at alarm factory